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Dr. Kayastha offers a variety of treatments ranging from non invasive treatments all the way up to surgery to help refine and sculpt your midsection. These treatments can have little to no downtime. So you won’t have to put your normal activities including work and working out on hold for long to have them done.

Working hard for your weight loss goals can be extremely rewarding. If you’ve hit your goals, then congratulations! You’ve made a great choice for your health and your body. It can be frustrating, however, to reach your goals and still find that some fat remains no matter what you do. In this case, Dr. Kayastha offers some great procedures to help you refine your results and boost your confidence in yourself and your body. It can be difficult to determine which procedure fits you best, though, so here’s a quick guide to figuring out your next step in your weight loss journey.

CoolSculpting reduces fat over time

CoolSculpting® is a completely non-invasive option that works in a package of treatments. Although it might seem far fetched, this option uses the principles of cryolipolysis. This means that a cooling hand-piece is applied to the skin where it’s gently suctioned up into a molded applicator which administers sustained cooling. This targets fat cells under the skin which crystallize and are eventually flushed from the body. CoolSculpting can be used on many different areas thanks to a number of specialized applicators. If you’re getting a confidence-boost out of your weight loss regimen and want to see results faster, CoolSculpting is a great option that doesn’t usually require any downtime at all. Dr. Kayastha can recommend the right number of treatments for you and your goals.

Liposuction eliminates fat pockets with minimal downtime

Liposuction is a minimally-invasive option that comes with a few days of recovery. It’s been proven as one of the most time-tested and effective options for body contouring and is a great option if you’ve got good skin with minimal laxity and want to address stubborn fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise. It uses local anesthesia and requires small incisions through which a cannula (or, thin metal tube) can be inserted. This tool helps break up the fat using a gentle sweeping motion, after which the fat can be suctioned out. Incisions are closed with sutures and you’ll be asked to wear a fitted compression garment for a few weeks after the procedure. If you’re okay with some downtime, liposuction can produce excellent, and near instant results. For smaller areas patients can have the procedure performed in the office with local anesthesia. Recovery usually involves taking it easy for 1-3 days. If you are having multiple areas done you might be required to have the procedure done in the hospital. Recovery from moderate to larger liposuction cases typically takes 1-2 weeks.

Tummy tuck corrects stretched muscles and excess skin

A tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is the most powerful option to contour your midsection and requires general anesthesia as well as some rest and recovery over the course of a few weeks. However, it can produce some of the most extensive results possible. It begins with an incision so that the underlying muscles and tissues can be tightened using a combination of dissolving and permanent sutures. Pockets of fat can be removed (sometimes using liposuction) and any sagging, excess skin can be trimmed away. The remaining skin of the abdomen is pulled downward to create a tighter, more contoured appearance before the incisions are closed. The tummy tuck is the best option if you have sagging, stretched skin and muscles commonly seen after extensive weight gain or pregnancy. Although it requires an investment in your time, the long-term, transformative results are worth it.

Schedule a Consultation

Weight loss can be a hard-won journey. If you’re considering some additional steps to refine your results and boost your confidence, Dr. Kayastha can help. To begin looking at the best options for you, contact our Albany office by calling or filling out our online form.

Schedule a Consultation

The best way to explore your options and get an accurate price estimate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kayastha. Fill our the form or give us a call at (518) 674-9060 to start your journey.

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