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Breast Implant Revision at a Glance





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If you underwent breast augmentation in the past and never achieved the results you were looking for or your breasts have changed since your original surgery breast implant revision might be right for you.

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Our mission at K Plastic Surgery is simple. Dr. Kayastha and his team are focused on delivering the very best possible patient experience combined with excellent results. As a board-certified plastic surgeon,
Dr. Kayastha has the skill and experience to help you achieve your unique aesthetic goals.

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Verified Patient Reviews

Sarah B.

Went to 5 yes 5 plastic surgeons consultations before deciding on Dr. K. He is very informative, straight forward, and very knowledgeable. I trusted him and felt comfortable around him right off the bat as he’s very laid back. I am in love with my breast argumentation and truly worked with me to find the best fit now and with my health goals in the long run! I would/will/and have recommended him and I will be going back to him.

Lisa R.

I had heard of Dr Kayastha from a friend who was seen by him. She told me to check him out before I go ahead with my surgery (I had a different surgeon picked out at that time).
As soon as he walked in to the consultation I knew he was the Dr that I wanted! He explained everything to me, things that the other surgeon never even mentioned! He stayed in the room with me as I tried the implants on and we both decided that 350cc would be best.
The surgery went great and I’m so very pleased with my results! I would recommend Dr Kayastha to everyone! His staff is very professional and always so nice.

Eileen D.

Dr K and his staff were great!! He answered all of my concerns and questions about my procedure. He understood my concerns and made the process as easy as it could be. I had a breast reduction and Dr K literally changed my life.

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What is Breast Implant Revision? 

Breast implant revision involves the removal and possible replacement of breast  implants to address medical or cosmetic concerns. Cosmetic concerns may be due to patients changing their minds about the size, shape, or material of their implants.  In the case of a rupture, leakage, or other complication, an implant revision procedure is often required. After the implants are removed, the procedure is very similar to traditional breast augmentation.

Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Revision? 

Candidates for breast implant revision are women who are unhappy with their current implants and would like them replaced. This could be due to various reasons, such as aging implants or changing preferences. Implant replacement is usually necessary if your implants are over ten years old. Any patient seeking revisional breastwork should be fully recovered from your primary breast augmentation first.

If you experienced complications or poor results from your original breast augmentation, or you simply changed your mind, breast implant revision can achieve the results you want.

Customize Your Breast Implant Revision 

Breast implant revision is remarkably similar to breast augmentation. For implant revision, Dr. Kayastha will collaborate with you, considering details from your initial augmentation to tailor the revisional procedure to your goals and concerns. Despite its similarity to breast augmentation, this procedure requires significant experience and knowledge of breast implant surgeries to achieve the best possible result.

Breast Implant Revision


  • Implants

    During revision, you may elect to keep the same type, size, and shape implants or you may want to explore new ones. Dr. Kayastha can help you fine-tune your implant choice according to your goals.

  • Incisions

    Typically, breast implant revision uses the same incision pattern as your original breast augmentation to reduce the amount of scar tissue in the area. However, minor differences may occur based on your implant choice and revisional needs.

  • Implant Placement

    If your implants seem too visible, a sub-muscular placement may be better. Conversely, if you want more projection, you may opt for placement on top of the muscle.

Breast Implant Revision Results 

Just as with your original augmentation, the results of your breast implant revision will be noticeable right away. You’ll find your breasts are better proportioned, and if you experienced complications with your initial breast augmentation, you’ll see a significant improvement with a more natural-looking and feeling result.

Recovering from Breast Implant Revision 

Recovery after breast implant revision will mirror your initial breast augmentation recovery. Plan for about a week off work, followed by a gradual return to regular activities over one to two weeks. Exercise can resume after several weeks– Dr. Kayastha will provide more specific instructions during your follow-up.

Your recovery will be similar to your initial breast augmentation. Within two to three weeks, you should feel comfortable returning to your normal daily activities.

Alternatives to Breast Implant Revision

If breast implant revision is not the ideal procedure for your goals, Dr. Kayastha and our team can help you learn more about your alternative options to find the one that achieves your desired results:

Breast Lift

A breast lift raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new uplifted contour.

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Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation creates rounder, fuller breasts using our premier selection of natural-looking implants.

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Breast Reduction

Women struggling with too-large breasts can often benefit from a breast reduction. Breast reduction surgery removes excess skin and tissue from the breasts. The goal is to reshape and elevate the breasts for a more proportionate and comfortable bust size.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can breast implants be reduced in size?

Implants themselves cannot be made smaller. You can opt for smaller implants with a revisional procedure, however.

Can breast implants be removed and not replaced?

Some patients have their implants removed permanently for various reasons. Dr. Kayastha can recommend the best way to restore your breasts to their natural state.

Can breast implants change shape over time?

Breast implants themselves do not change shape - however, factors like settling or complications can change the appearance of your implant surgery results.

How long does it take to recover from breast revision surgery?

You can plan for at least a week off work to rest at home and should have someone to care for you for the first few days. After a week, you can begin to return to your regular daily activities as you feel comfortable. After several weeks, you can begin exercising but should avoid more strenuous activity for at least six weeks.

Who is a Candidate for Breast Implant Revision?

Candidates for breast implant revision are those who are unhappy with their current implants and would like them replaced. This can be done for a number of reasons. Your surgeon might recommend an implant replacement if your implants are over ten years old in order to reduce the risk of a rupture occurring. Implants should be revised and replaced at the first sign of a leak or rupture to restore their strength. You can also choose to have a revision if you change your mind about your implant shape, size, or material. Candidates must wait until they have fully healed from their previous procedure to consider a revision.

Can you feel a ruptured breast implant?

Saline implants are very obvious when ruptured since they cause the breast to deflate. Silicone implants can be tougher to detect, so Dr. Kayastha will make sure you understand what to look for.

Is it dangerous to have breast implants removed?

There are risks that come with every type of surgery, but a board-certified plastic surgeon can help you make an educated decision about how to mitigate them.

What is breast revision surgery?

A breast implant revision is a procedure to remove and replace breast implants. This can be done for a number of reasons, both medical and cosmetic. Patients might change their mind about the size, shape, or material of their implants and choose to have them replaced. In the case of a rupture, leakage, or other complication, an implant revision procedure would be required. The procedure is similar to a regular breast augmentation once the old implant has been removed.

How do you fix capsular contracture?

Moderate to severe capsular contracture must be fixed by removing the breast implants and the scar capsule that forms around them. This process should always be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

Fat transfer can be used for minimal breast augmentation if you have enough donor tissue on your body. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine your best options.

Can breast implants last 30 years?

Breast implants are designed to be lifetime medical devices. However, they can still be subject to things like ruptures that mean they will need replacement.

What Happens During the Breast Revision Procedure?

During a breast implant revision, your old implants will be removed using your existing incision line. If capsular contracture is present, scar tissue will be removed and corrected. Your new implant will then be placed into the breast pocket and sutured like your original breast augmentation procedure.

Does insurance cover breast revision?

Health insurance will sometimes cover breast revision surgery if youre experiencing complications like rupture, capsular contracture, or infection. We encourage each patient to check with their insurance provider ahead of their breast revision consultation.

How soon after breast augmentation can I get a revision?

You should be fully recovered from breast augmentation and give your results plenty of time to settle in. Its often recommended to give yourself one year before considering a revisional breast procedure.

Will I have a scar? What kind of scar will I have?

Any time the skin is cut to perform surgery there must be a scar. The length of your scar will depend on the type of surgery and how extensive it is. Dr. Kayastha is committed to using the shortest scars possible while still achieving the results you want. Dr. Kayastha takes great care to ensure that you will have the best scar possible. Surgery is performed precisely and gently. After surgery multiple techniques including taping, silicone sheeting, scar cream, massage and lasers may be used to optimize the appearance of your scar.

How much does a breast implant revision cost in Albany, NY?

The cost of your breast implant revision will depend on your unique circumstances. A consultation is needed to get an accurate cost estimate. See our pricing page for average costs for the procedure you are interested in. We offer financing ( to help pay for your procedure if needed. Call / contact us to schedule you consultation and to get a cost estimate for your breast implant revision.

Schedule a Consultation

The best way to explore your options and get an accurate price estimate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kayastha. Fill our the form or give us a call at (518) 674-9060 to start your journey.

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