Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About a Mommy Makeover
Moms, This One is For You.
Thank you. Thank you for the way you selflessly love your family day after day. You nurture and support us in every way. You work tirelessly inside and outside the home, and make sure we are performing at our best. It sometimes seems that only in those rare instances when there happens to be a bit of free time do you take care of yourself, too.
Enough of being drained or exhausted! Shouldn’t you feel energized and good about yourself? That’s why today we want to talk about a procedure we offer that’s just for moms.
Many moms dream of this procedure but think they could never spend the time or money on themselves. Indeed, moms can be very self-sacrificing, or even feel guilty about taking care of themselves. And yet this treatment has been life-changing for many women. Moms come out feeling happier, better about themselves and, perhaps ironically, energized to love their families even more.
So what is this special treatment? It’s commonly called the “Mommy Makeover.” The Mommy Makeover is a unique combination of treatments designed just for you. Typically the focus is on breasts and tummies, but not exclusively, as it depends entirely on the individual. Dr. Kayastha talks with you to find out what parts of your body leave you feeling insecure, and then creates a personalized makeover plan to give you back your pre-pregnancy body. (Click here to read more here about the Mommy Makeover, and learn if you would be a good candidate.
If you are thinking you just might love to have one, we want to share:
Three Reasons Not to Feel Guilty About a Mommy Makeover
You Deserve It
Let’s be honest. Whether you’re a relatively new or long-time mom, you’ve probably been putting your family’s priorities before your own for quite some time now. You’ve changed who-knows-how-many diapers and woken up or waited up countless nights. Now it’s your turn. Everyone deserves to put themselves first on occasion. If you’ve finished having children and would like to regain your pre-pregnancy shape, we believe you’ve earned it.
When You Feel Your Best, You Can Give Your Best.
If you need extra motivation, think of your makeover as a little gift to your family, too. How so? When you feel good about yourself, you can love others even better. Dr. Kayastha compares it to putting on your oxygen mask before helping someone else. You have to take care of yourself to care for others. The Mommy Makeover can help you feel your best mentally and emotionally, allowing you to give your best to those who matter most.
You Can Enjoy it Right Now.
Some women dream of a Mommy Makeover for years but end up having the procedure done late in life. That’s fine and we certainly welcome you to our office at any age. But we also wonder: Why wait so long when you could be enjoying the body of your dreams right now — even this summer? The optimal time for a Mommy Makeover is six months to a year after giving birth when you know that you’re finished having children. If that’s you, then why not enjoy your new body now, and give those cute bathing suits you were eyeing a try on your family vacation?
It comes down to this: You deserve to take care of yourself.
Whether that means going to the spa once a month, getting a manicure, enjoying a weekly date night with your husband or girlfriends, or scheduling a Mommy Makeover, do what you need to do to feel your best. We are eternally grateful for our moms; a world without the love and support of our mothers is inconceivable! But don’t forget that there’s no need to feel guilty about investing in yourself. When you feel your best, you can give your best.
Schedule a Consultation
If you are interested in a mommy makeover, schedule a consultation at K Plastic Surgery with Dr. Kayastha, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon located in Albany, NY.
Additional Reading on Mommy Makeovers
- Mommy Makeover Basics
- Getting your Body Back (infographic)
- 3 Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself When Deciding on a Mommy Makeover
- Mommy Makeover before and after pictures
Dr. Kayastha is a board certified plastic surgeon who serves Albany, NY and the entire Capital Region. Dr. Kayastha completed his undergraduate studies at Cornell University and graduated with distinction in all subjects. He then attended medical school at SUNY Buffalo. During his time in Buffalo he also completed a fellowship in surgical pathology at Roswell Park. Following medical school Dr. Kayastha gained a much sought after position in the Michigan State-Grand Rapids integrated plastic surgery residency. After finishing residency training Dr. Kayastha completed a one year fellowship in hand and microsurgery at the Buncke Clinic in San Francisco. To round out his training before starting private practice Dr. Kayastha spent an additional 6 months learning from some of the best cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco. Dr. Kayastha is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.