Recovery from a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is safe and relatively straightforward. If you’re thinking of having the body contouring procedure soon, putting together a post-surgery healing kit should be one of your priorities. Aside from speeding up your recovery, the healing kit can also significantly reduce discomfort following a tummy tuck.
What to Include in Your Tummy Tuck Healing Kit?
Dr. Kayasatha always recommends a few items and recommendations for recovery but patients may choose to add other items (such as relaxation aids) depending on individual needs and the type of tummy tuck that was performed. These are essentials for your tummy tuck healing kit:
Compression Garments
Bruising and swelling occur simultaneously after tummy tuck surgery. Although both will improve significantly within a week or so following surgery, it can take several months for swelling to completely go down. Compression garments keep the healing tissues in place so that they heal smoothly without lumps or bumps, and they significantly reduce your discomfort. Although most compression garments can be reused, it may be best to have a spare just in case no one is around to assist you with laundry.
Silicone Gel Sheetings
Scarring is always a possibility following any type of surgery and a tummy tuck is no exception. Although the extent and degree of scarring are influenced by a combination of factors such as age, skin tone, and lifestyle habits, using silicone gel sheetings with compression garments can greatly reduce scarring by smoothing out the skin on the incision site.
Prescription Drugs
Dr. Kayastha will provide pain and antibiotic prescriptions for your recovery. The entire prescription of antibiotics should be taken as recommended but prescription pain medication might not be needed after the first week. Over-the-counter inflammatories can also be used to ease your discomfort and ensure a smooth recovery.
Vitamins and Supplements
Healthy eating, along with vitamins and supplements should be a part of your plan, too. Without a healthy, balanced diet, recovery time will slow down because your body won’t have the necessary nutrients to promote blood flow and wound healing. Arnica montana supplements may be used to help with bruising and swelling.
Schedule a Consultation
Patients preparing for a tummy tuck in Albany, NY, can rely on board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kayastha for safe and effective surgery. At your consultation, he can discuss the recovery process in more detail so that you feel fully prepared for every step of your tummy tuck surgery. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, we encourage you to contact our office today.
Schedule a Consultation
The best way to explore your options and get an accurate price estimate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kayastha. Fill our the form or give us a call at (518) 674-9060 to start your journey.
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