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At K Plastic Surgery, we understand that women feel strongly about their eyelashes, especially if they aren’t exactly full and long. We know that every woman would probably like to have longer, darker eyelashes. But mascara, eyeliner, and fake eyelashes can only go so far — no one wants to look as if they moonlight in a burlesque show!

But what if you could actually grow longer, thicker lashes on command? Now you can with Latisse. Latisse is the first and only FDA-approved prescription treatment for growing longer, fuller, darker eyelashes. We offer Latisse for our clients and they’ve had great success with it.

How Does Latisse Work?

When you first hear of a supposed prescription to make your eyelashes longer and thicker, the immediate reaction is…uh-huh. What is this the Wild West and someone is selling a magic elixir for eyelashes?

But Latisse is no snake oil. It is clinically proven to actually grow longer, darker, thicker eyelashes. The discovery of Latisse was accidental, as many discoveries are. Scientists at Allergan were working on an eyedrop to relieve intraocular pressure in the eye. Subjects in the test found that their eyelashes grew during the study, so the company began testing the active ingredient, bimatoprost, specifically for growing eyelashes. It proved effective and the FDA approved it in December 2008. It is believed that the bimatoprost increases the anagen phase (that’s the growth phase) of the eyelashes.

But Latisse doesn’t work overnight. You apply the product nightly on the upper lash as if it were eyeliner. The bimatoprost in Latisse stimulates the lashes to grow. The treatment works gradually and your eyelashes will experience real growth over time, generally 12 to 16 weeks. But you must stay with it — once you start the treatment, the topical solution must be applied continuously each night until you achieve the desired results.

True Eyelash Results

In tests, Latisse was shown to be effective in 78% of the participants at the end of the 16-week test period. Specifically, patients using Latisse experienced a:

  • 25% increase in lash length
  • 106% increase in lash thickness/fullness
  • 18% increase in lash darkness

Get a Prescription from Dr. Kayastha for Your New Eyelashes!

Interested in having those long, dark eyelashes you’ve always wanted? Come see us at K Plastic Surgery and let’s talk about Latisse.

Schedule a Consultation

The best way to explore your options and get an accurate price estimate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kayastha. Fill our the form or give us a call at (518) 674-9060 to start your journey.

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