Batman Could Use His Bat Wings Against Superman

Batman Could Use His Bat Wings Against Superman

While the Dark Knight could benefit from having Bat Wings in his arsenal, most regular, non-vengeance-seeking humans aren’t so fond of them.

Bat wings? Significant weight gain or weight loss, or simply the relentless march of time, can create loose skin on the upper arms. This results in unsightly, inelastic flabby areas on the bottom of both upper arms, the dreaded “bat wings.”

Dr. Kayastha can address this problem with a plastic surgery procedure called Brachioplasty, commonly known as an arm lift. This procedure removes excess skin and fat in the upper arms.

If a person is overweight, there is a perception that simply losing weight will firm up the upper arms. Actually, this can make the problem worse. The same is true of performing only liposuction on the upper arm area.

An arm lift, sometimes done in conjunction with liposuction, is Dr. Kayastha’s recommended path.

How is an Arm Lift Done?

In an arm lift, an incision is made on the inside or the back of the arm near the elbow. The length and pattern of the incision, which could extend all the way up to the underarm, will depend on the amount and location of the excess skin present. Fat deposits in the area may be removed through excision or liposuction. Once the fat has been removed, the supportive tissues in the arm are tightened and contoured using internal sutures. The skin is then re-draped and smoothed to conform to the new tighter contour.

What Results Can I Expect?

After an arm lift, there will be bruising and swelling, but your new, firmer upper arms will be noticeable immediately after the procedure. There will also be a scar, which is usually hidden on the underside of your arm. You’ll need to wear compression sleeves during your recovery to help your arms adapt to their new contours.

An arm lift can bring long-lasting results, especially when the patient maintains a stable weight and exercises regularly. However, the firmness of the arms may still be affected by the natural effects of aging.

Interested in losing those bat wings? Contact K Plastic Surgery online or Call Dr. Kayastha, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon located in Albany, NY at 518-346-0002 and let’s talk about not being like Batman.

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Dr. Kayastha is a board certified plastic surgeon who serves Albany, NY and the entire Capital Region. Dr. Kayastha completed his undergraduate studies at Cornell University and graduated with distinction in all subjects. He then attended medical school at SUNY Buffalo. During his time in Buffalo he also completed a fellowship in surgical pathology at Roswell Park. Following medical school Dr. Kayastha gained a much sought after position in the Michigan State-Grand Rapids integrated plastic surgery residency. After finishing residency training Dr. Kayastha completed a one year fellowship in hand and microsurgery at the Buncke Clinic in San Francisco. To round out his training before starting private practice Dr. Kayastha spent an additional 6 months learning from some of the best cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco. Dr. Kayastha is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.