Is Liposuction Safe?

Is Liposuction Safe?

Even despite keeping up with an exercise routine and eating a healthy diet, most people have some areas of stubborn fat that they’d like to get rid of. This fat can remain no matter how much cardio you do or how strictly you follow a balanced diet. Liposuction has been a popular solution to create a toned, athletic, slim body contour for years. However, it is still a surgical procedure that should be carefully considered. Liposuction is generally considered safe, especially when performed by a qualified surgeon such as Dr. Kayastha, but there are some things you should know about the procedure before deciding to move forward.

What are the Benefits of Liposuction?

One of the major benefits of liposuction is that it permanently removes fat cells. Because fat cells do not regenerate, and fat removed during liposuction will not return. It is still possible to gain weight after liposuction, but this will likely be distributed in areas that were not treated during the procedure.

Liposuction is also beneficial for a variety of other plastic surgeries. For example, liposuction can be used to complete gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction) or be used to collect fat for a fat grafting procedure.

While liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure, it is typically chosen by those who follow a healthy lifestyle or have already lost weight but still have some stubborn fat left. After liposuction, these patients can enjoy the body contour that they have worked hard for but been unable to achieve with diet and exercise alone.

Finally, liposuction can sometimes be beneficial for patients suffering from various medical conditions. For example, lipomas, or benign fatty tumors, can often be removed using liposuction.

Is Liposuction the Best Procedure for Me?

Liposuction may be the right procedure for you if you exercise and maintain a healthy, balanced diet, but still have some fat that you would like to remove. Before liposuction, it’s important that you are at or near a healthy and stable weight. You should also have good skin elasticity and muscle tone without too much excess or loose skin. Like all plastic surgeries, you should be in good physical health and a nonsmoker before having liposuction. Dr. Kayastha will evaluate your health and work to understand your goals to determine whether liposuction is the right procedure for you.

What Procedures Can I Combine with Liposuction?

Liposuction is often paired with other procedures to achieve the patient’s overall goals. For example, liposuction may be used to complete a fat grafting procedure, whether it is intended to sculpt the buttocks, rejuvenate the face, or add volume to the breasts.

Liposuction is also often used as part of a mommy makeover. A mommy makeover is performed to address the changes that can occur as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, and commonly includes breast augmentation, breast lift, or tummy tuck. Liposuction can be used to enhance the results of a tummy tuck or in other areas, such as the back, thighs, arms, or hips, which have some stubborn fat after the weight fluctuation of pregnancy.

Many patients may choose to have some liposuction paired with another procedure that changes the overall shape of the body, such as breast augmentation. This can be done to enhance the appearance of the breasts, reduce fat in areas like the “bra roll” or near the armpits, or simply refine the body contour.

Finally, liposuction may be chosen to enhance the results of a neck lift or facelift. Often, a small amount of fat under the chin contributes to an aged appearance, creating jowls and a double chin. Liposuction can be used to refine the jawline and create a youthful, refreshed look.

What Types of Liposuction are Available?

Dr. Kayastha offers several liposuction options.

Tumescent liposuction involves injecting a solution containing local anesthetic and epinephrine into the fatty deposits in the treatment area prior to inserting a cannula. This causes blood vessels to shrink, reducing bleeding during the procedure in addition to the swelling, bruising, or discomfort during the recovery process.

Smartlipo Triplex™, or laser-assisted liposuction, involves introducing a laser fiber to the fat layer after the tumescent solution is injected. This essentially liquefies the fat, making it easier to remove. At the same time, heat from the laser fiber stimulates collagen production, tightening the skin.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction, or VASER liposuction, is also available. This technique utilizes ultrasonic energy rather than lasers to similarly liquefy fat. Like LAL, VASER liposuction reduces damage to surrounding tissues and provides some skin-tightening benefits.

What are the Risks of Liposuction?

Liposuction is generally considered safe, but like all surgeries, there are some risks. The major risks of liposuction include bleeding, adverse reactions or complications from anesthesia, infection, fat embolism, uneven fat removal, and changes in skin sensation or numbness.

A majority of risks from liposuction can be avoided by choosing a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon for your procedure. Dr. Kayastha is a board-certified plastic surgeon who attended several acclaimed universities and training programs and has years of experience performing liposuction.

In addition to choosing the right plastic surgeon for you, it’s important to carefully follow their instructions during your recovery period. This can help you avoid risks such as infection, minimize swelling, and ensure proper healing and your best possible results.

What is Recovery Like After Liposuction?

After liposuction, you can expect to spend 1-2 weeks resting at home before returning to work, school, or other day-to-day routines. During this time, swelling, bruising, redness, and some soreness or discomfort are all normal. Dr. Kayastha will prescribe pain medication to keep you comfortable during the first several days of your recovery period. Swelling typically lasts beyond this initial healing period, with some residual swelling lasting up to 1-2 months. You will likely be required to wear a compression garment to help reduce this swelling and ensure proper healing. Dr. Kayastha will advise when you can safely return to all activities such as exercise.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about liposuction and find out if it’s the best treatment option for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kayastha. Call K Plastic Surgery in Albany, NY at (518) 674-9060 or complete our online contact form.

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Dr. Kayastha is a board certified plastic surgeon who serves Albany, NY and the entire Capital Region. Dr. Kayastha completed his undergraduate studies at Cornell University and graduated with distinction in all subjects. He then attended medical school at SUNY Buffalo. During his time in Buffalo he also completed a fellowship in surgical pathology at Roswell Park. Following medical school Dr. Kayastha gained a much sought after position in the Michigan State-Grand Rapids integrated plastic surgery residency. After finishing residency training Dr. Kayastha completed a one year fellowship in hand and microsurgery at the Buncke Clinic in San Francisco. To round out his training before starting private practice Dr. Kayastha spent an additional 6 months learning from some of the best cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco. Dr. Kayastha is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.