Who is a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover?

Who is a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover?

Having children is a wonderfully fulfilling experience; however, struggling with body image is no great way to experience motherhood. After having a child, your body can completely transform into something you don’t recognize. You may notice saggy breasts, stubborn fatty deposits, and loose skin. A mommy makeover can correct concerns in your body due to pregnancy and childbirth.

What is Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a variation of surgeries custom-tailored to your postpartum needs. The bundle of surgeries typically renews the appearance of the breasts and abdomen. The procedure traditionally includes a breast lift, a tummy tuck, and possible breast augmentation. Other concerns can be addressed with a thigh lift, upper arm lift, liposuction, or scar revision. Multiple complementary procedures are performed simultaneously or in steps to ensure optimal results and safety for the patient.

Am I A Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Most mothers’ bodies struggle with the side effects of having children despite being healthy. Excess skin and fat can transform your body into something you are not proud of. This can cause negative self-confidence and self-image to emerge. Here are some reasons to opt for a mommy makeover.

You are Concerned with Stubborn Fat and Excess Tissue

Mommy makeovers are ideal for addressing multiple areas of concern at once. During the tummy tuck portion of a mommy makeover, liposuction will suck out stubborn, hard-to-burn-off fat and trim away excess skin. Similarly, during a breast lift, sagging tissue will be removed, and the breasts will be lifted to your desired height.

You are Finished Having Children

The optimal time to have a mommy makeover is after you have finished having kids. This ensures that your results last and prevents you from having multiple procedures. If you plan on having more children, waiting until after you are done is best. If you have surgery and get pregnant after, your breasts may drop, and your midsection can loosen. This may require another surgery to regain your desired results.

You are in Good Health

Good health is important to ensure proper, quick recovery after surgery. It is our goal to have you healthy and confident. Being at a healthy, stable weight can ensure more precise and reliable results after surgery. It is important that you have fully recovered from childbirth before having surgery to ensure your well-being and safety.

Schedule a Consultation

Mommy makeovers are ideal for resolving body changes after pregnancy, boosting your self-image, and making you feel confident and comfortable in your body again. Contact us at K Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kayastha for a mommy makeover in Latham, New York.